What are the contents of orbital foramina and fissures?
Identify the contents of the superior orbital fissure, inferior orbital fissure, and optic canal and the muscles surroun
ding these structures. Check the numbers below.
Superior Orbital Fissure
-lacrimal (1)
-frontal of V1 (2)
-cranial nerve IV (3)
-cranial nerve III (superior div) (4)
-nasociliary branch of cranial nerve V (5)
-sympathetic roots of ciliary ganglion (arrow)
-cranial nerve VI (6)
-cranial nerve III inferior div. (7)
-superior ophthalmic vein (8)
Inferior Orbital Fissure
-maxillary (9)
-pterygopalantine ganglion nerve (10)
-pterygoid nerves (11)
-inferior ophthalmic vein (12)
The inferior ophthalmic vein's exit from the orbit may be more complicated than show here. [See the link]
Optic Canal
-Optic nerve (13)
-Ophthalmic Artery (14)
-Sympathetic fibers from carotid plexus (14a)
-Levator (15)
-Superior rectus (16)
-Superior Oblique (17)
-Medial rectus (18)
-Inferior rectus (19)
-Lateral rectus (20)
Supraorbital foramen- supraorbital nerve (CN V1)
Anterior ethmoidal foramen- anterior ethmoidal vessels and nerves
Posterior ethmoidal foramen- posterior ethmoidal nerves
Zygomatic foramen- zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal branches of the zygomatic nerve and artery.
Nasolacrimal duct - drainage apparatus from the lacrimal fossa to the inferior meatus of the nose

Superior Orbital Fissure
-lacrimal (1)
-frontal of V1 (2)
-cranial nerve IV (3)
-cranial nerve III (superior div) (4)
-nasociliary branch of cranial nerve V (5)
-sympathetic roots of ciliary ganglion (arrow)
-cranial nerve VI (6)
-cranial nerve III inferior div. (7)
-superior ophthalmic vein (8)
Inferior Orbital Fissure
-maxillary (9)
-pterygopalantine ganglion nerve (10)
-pterygoid nerves (11)
-inferior ophthalmic vein (12)
The inferior ophthalmic vein's exit from the orbit may be more complicated than show here. [See the link]
Optic Canal
-Optic nerve (13)
-Ophthalmic Artery (14)
-Sympathetic fibers from carotid plexus (14a)
-Levator (15)
-Superior rectus (16)
-Superior Oblique (17)
-Medial rectus (18)
-Inferior rectus (19)
-Lateral rectus (20)
Supraorbital foramen- supraorbital nerve (CN V1)
Anterior ethmoidal foramen- anterior ethmoidal vessels and nerves
Posterior ethmoidal foramen- posterior ethmoidal nerves
Zygomatic foramen- zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal branches of the zygomatic nerve and artery.
Nasolacrimal duct - drainage apparatus from the lacrimal fossa to the inferior meatus of the nose
sympathetic roots of ciliary ganglion (arrow)
the ciliary ganglion has no sympathetic rotts, itßs just parasympathetic.
kai patrick lindstrom, wiesbaden, germany
sympathetic roots of ciliary ganglion (arrow)
the ciliary ganglion has no sympathetic roots, it´s just parasympathetic.
dr. med. kai patrick lindstrom, wiesbaden, germany
Yes, but the sympathetic nerve does go through the ciliary ganglion without synapse,
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